Herbicides for weed control in mustard

Herbicides used for weed control in mustard can be discussed in two different groups: in-crop herbicides, and pre-harvest herbicides. Within in-crop herbicides, there are soil active herbicides typically applied prior to the seeding of the crop, and foliar herbicides applied after crop and weed emergence. Due to the limited selection of registered in-crop herbicides for mustard, it is important that good weed control is maintained throughout the crop rotation. Because of herbicide resistance concerns and for the best crop yield response, it is recommended that a combination of the herbicides listed below be used with an approach called “herbicide layering.” 

It is important that the timing, rates and pre-harvest intervals stated on the herbicide label be followed. Deviation from the application instructions listed on the label will alter the efficacy of the product and may result in herbicide residues higher than established Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) which could reduce the marketability of the harvested grain.

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